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Web Site Update – August 2022

Hi everyone,

Welcome back, teachers and students!

August is the time of year when many teachers and students around the world return to the classroom, and in preparation for these new beginnings, I want to share with you information about my sites that might jumpstart your classes. I started my Web site in 1998 (Wow! Now, 25 years ago!), and I still enjoy creating content for language learning.

Feel free to add a link to any of my Websites in your class syllabus or online course.

  1. Watch my video tutorials on how to use my Website more effectively. Often, people tell me, “Oh, I didn’t know that I could do that on your site!”
  1. Download and share my instructional handouts in PDF format that can help inform others about the site’s content. These are very helpful in spreading the word on how to learn English online. Post them to your social media feeds if you like.
  1. Visit the different sections of my site for audio and video listening practice. Some of these areas include:
  1. Try over 300 vocabulary quizzes that recycle the topics and vocabulary from my listening activities.
  1. Watch over 50 broadcast episodes with teachers and students worldwide, where we discuss language and culture. Each episode contains learning activities to extend your learning.
  1. Enjoy language games that engage learners in fun ways.
  1. Watch my video lessons on useful English idioms.
  1. You can also visit my other online channels for learning content and information:

My other Websites:





Web Site Update – July 2022

Greetings everyone,

The summer has fully arrived, and my classes at the English Language Institute at the University of Utah are winding down. Some people don’t realize that creating Web sites like this one is done completely separate for my regular job, and I enjoy both teaching full time and developing online content in my “free” time.

This past week, I presented at the 8th International English Online Conference with several colleagues on the topic of critical thinking, and I also gave a workshop on developing listening skills. You can download the handout for the sessions HERE.

This summer, I plan on continuing to develop the interviews section of my Web site in which teachers and language learners can listen to authentic and engaging content with my children who are all adults now.  A lot of new content coming. Here is an example:

Web Site Update – June 2022

Hi everyone,

As we approach the middle of the year, I have reflected on the idea of constantly moving forward in all we do, even when things get really hard.

Recently, I completed another ultramarathon in the mountains of Utah, and this running/hiking event covered 50 km of challenging terrain. The results? I ended up being the final finisher. The winner covered the distance in about half the time that I did, and the person probably had time to return home, jump into a jacuzzi, and take a long nap before I ever crossed the finish line.

That said, life is about moving or even falling forward toward your ultimate goal, no matter how long it takes and no matter how many times you stumble.

I follow this mantra in almost all I do, and this includes the development of new content on my Web sites. Just keep the lights on and keep thinking of new ideas for my Web site visitors. My most recent project has been the interviews with my adult children on a variety of everyday topics. Take a look and keep pushing yourself to new heights:


Web Site Update – May 2022

This update covers the last two months on a significant development on my Web site. In fact, this is a project that has been exiting to unfold, and it includes my children who have been a part of my Web site since 1998. The easiest thing for you to do is to check out this new section on video interviews with accompanying language-learning activities.

Take a look HERE!


Web Site Update – March 2022

When spring rolls around every year, new ideas tend to bloom just like the flowers and trees around us. This is also true of my Web site as I have been working on a unique project that involves video interviews supported by a variety of learning activities. Keep an eye my Web site for more information that should appear this month.

Until then, happy learning!


Web Site Update – February 2022

The last couple of months have been filled with exciting challenges (Yes, we call call them that!) and new developments, so of which are taking place behind the scenes at the moment. For now, I want to remind you of some projects that I have been working:

  1. My section on Language Games – Many learners will find these helpful in reviewing their English skills in a game-like atmosphere.
  2. My section on Idioms – Students can pick up new expressions used in a variety of speaking situations.
  3. Updates on my other listening Web sites including,, and
  4. More broadcasts with language teachers from around the world on my YouTube channel.

The next few months should be exciting for me as well as I am experimenting with the idea of creating new English courses. More on this later this year.

Good luck in your teaching and study.




Web Site Update – January 2022

Happy New Year, 2022!

The past two years have been a real rollercoaster for the world with the pandemic affecting almost every aspect of our lives. This period has also caused many schools and teachers to try to reinvent themselves with new tools, pedagogical approaches, and a more expansive understanding of the challenges facing everyone. For me personally, these uncertain times have lead to innovation and new connections with so many teachers and students around the world.

I wish everyone a wonderful year. Every day, is a new beginning, so I approach it that way. I can reflect on today and try to improve my personal and professional life tomorrow.

Good luck.

Web Site Update – December 2021

As this year comes to a close, I feel deeply grateful for the many opportunities I have had to thrive and grow, personally and professionally, during this past year. I have been working on many projects, including my language games, idiom lessons, and Facebook Live Broadcasts that have allowed me to connect with people across the globe.

I hope this month is one of great joy and wonder as you reflect on your challenges that perhaps have allowed you to expand in new directions. Keep falling forward despite everything that might happen to you, and as you do so, lift someone else who needs your support.


Web Site Update – November 2021

As we enter the fall (at least here in Utah, USA), this season reminds me of change and the spirit of thanksgiving. It was in the fall of 1997 when I first conceptualized the idea of creating a Web site for language learners, but that seems like the distant past in so many ways. Way before Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Before the iPhone and a thousand other digital devices. It was around the same time when people heard of Google for the first time.

All that said, I just feel grateful for the countless people that I have met over the years that have changed my life in so many ways.

For that, I just want to say, Thank You!


Web Site Update – September 2021

Hi everyone,

For so many teachers and students around the world, September is a month of new beginnings, and my life is always changing as well. One specific change that I have announced before is my newest section on learning idioms, and I have had a fun time creating lessons that introduce some of the best idioms to learn. Give this section a try.

My goal is to build this section up over the fall, and I would appreciate any feedback you might have on the lessons. Thanks.
